Chiropractic to Treat Golfer’s Elbow

Golfer's elbow (medically called medial epicondylitis) is a common condition that can affect golfers and individuals in various other professions and involved in many different activities. It’s caused by repeated stress and strain on the tendons that connect the forearm muscles to the bony area inside the elbow, the medial epicondyle.

Although golfer's elbow is a treatable condition, the discomfort and limitations it can cause can make even routine activities challenging. Prompt treatment and management of the condition are essential to minimize the impact on your quality of life.


In this post, we answer:

  • What is golfer’s elbow?
  • Who gets golfer’s elbow?
  • What are the common symptoms of golfer’s elbow?
  • How can I relieve a golfer’s elbow at home quickly and naturally?
  • What chiropractic solutions can effectively treat golfer’s elbow?


Let’s get straight to it.


Do I Have Golfer’s Elbow?

Golfer’s elbow is a form of tendinitis caused by repetitive, forceful wrist and finger motions. Pain, stiffness, and other symptoms will show up on the inside of the elbow (as opposed to tennis elbow, which appears on the outside).

Inflammation of the affected tendons can cause significant pain, tenderness, and reduced range of motion in the elbow. If left untreated, this condition can significantly impact one's ability to perform routine activities. 


Common causes of golfer’s elbow include:

  • Golf and racket sports, such as pickleball and tennis
  • Sports involving consistent throwing, such as in baseball
  • Regular weightlifting
  • Occupation or hobby-related movements, including those who paint, carpenters, construction workers, plumbers, and others


For many individuals, the activities that contribute to the development of golfer's elbow are an integral part of their daily lives, making it challenging to discontinue them. Whether it's an occupation requiring repetitive elbow movements or a recreational passion, these repetitive stresses on the elbow tendons can be unavoidable. 

Because of this, seeking medical attention as soon as any signs of elbow discomfort arise is essential. Early intervention can help prevent the condition from worsening and potentially becoming a chronic, debilitating issue. Care from your local chiropractor can address the underlying causes and provide effective, natural treatment to manage the symptoms.


Some of the common symptoms of golfer's elbow that a chiropractor can help address include:

  • Dull aches to intense pain in the inner elbow
  • Weakness in the hand and wrist
  • Radiating pain, starting in the forearm and traveling down into the wrist
  • Stiffness and reduced range of motion
  • Difficulty with work tasks, sports, or exercise
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Stress 


Whether the condition results from a sports injury, improper technique, or overuse, a chiropractor can develop a personalized treatment plan to address the root cause of the problem. However, to get relief at home, try our chiropractor-approved tips.


Chiropractor-approved tips to naturally treat golfer’s elbow symptoms at home include: 

  • Apply ice to the elbow for acute injuries to reduce swelling and inflammation
  • Use heat to relieve tension and pressure in the affected tissues (only after inflammation has been reduced)
  • Wear an elbow brace to offload pressure during activities that aggravate the condition
  • Get sufficient rest and sleep to allow your body to heal
  • Gently stretch and massage the affected arm to maintain mobility and tissue health
  • Consider taking breaks from the activity that’s causing your golfer's elbow to flare up


Incorporating these strategies into your daily routine can effectively manage your golfer's elbow symptoms and support the healing process.


Get Chiropractic Solutions to Treat Golfer’s Elbow in Tampa

At our Tampa chiropractic clinic, we utilize various chiropractic techniques to ensure optimal treatment and recovery for our patients with golfer's elbow. Thanks to our personalized treatment approaches, our team has consistently helped patients achieve lasting results and safely return to their everyday activities.

We will conduct a comprehensive assessment to determine the root cause of your symptoms. We never take a one-size-fits-all approach but craft a customized care plan tailored to your unique needs, considering everything from occupation and hobbies to abilities and goals. 


Common chiropractic methods we use to help heal golfer’s elbow include:


Our extensive in-clinic treatments, combined with the personalized take-home guidance and education we provide, will give you the tools to manage your condition and maintain your recovery long-term. We know you want to return your active lifestyle without the burden of elbow pain, and we're committed to getting you there through our holistic approach to care.

Visit our Tampa chiropractic clinic and manage your pain responsibly. Book your appointment today to get started. 

Dr. Jessica Stranman

Dr. Jessica Stranman

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